New Collection...Dramatic Skies!I don't know about you, but I get really tired of sifting through my photos looking for skies to add to my images to make them more interesting. Whether it's a landscape with a blown out white/gray sky, or a lake scene with a boring blue sky, or even an animal or bird which needs a sky seems I'm always needing a SKY! So I've created this new collection of 44 amazing painted skies, which all can be used to add a sky where needed, replace a bad sky, give more interest to a boring sky, add unique color and tone throughout an image, or give a dramatic background to a simple subject.
The new Dramatic Painted Skies Collection contains a beautiful array of skies, from old world, to simple, to bold and colorful. The price of this amazing collection is $75, but from now until 11/01/2015, it is being made available at the introductory price of only $60! And remember, you can use your code DT4040 to receive 40% off on the collection as well! Click here to purchase the Dramatic Painted Skies Collection. Comments are closed.
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You may find these two links useful: • Frequently Asked Questions • Helpful Links and Information In most of my videos, I use older software which I've used for years. Unfortunately, the software I use isn't being sold anymore.
Many of you have asked me to teach in Photoshop -- but I am just learning myself in that software. In my learning, I have discovered the best Photoshop training on the planet, and I have secured a special offer on this same training JUST FOR YOU! Click the button below to learn from my same trainer, and to save a HUGE amount on this lifetime access course: Please note: Some collections shown in older blog posts have been retired and are no longer available. The blog posts have been left for you to view for learning purposes and examples of what can be done using the Daily Texture resources. As always, for the most current available collections, please visit the store here.
October 2024